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목록writeup (14)
deayzl's blog
I did play this ctf as team 프로그램털모찌.It was about 7 am for me in korea when I solved this.I spent the night with no sleep. Then I fell asleep right after I solved this.I realized that.. guys, try to sleep at the appropriate time, or you gon miss upcoming challenges.When I opened my eyes, there was already "subformore" released long time ago :((this is why I could only give an aaw primitive functi..
box.c : // gcc box.c -o box -no-pie #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FLAG_PATH "/flag" int install_seccomp(uint8_t *filt, unsigned short len); void vuln(); void read_flag(); uint32_t target = 0xdead; int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t filt_len; setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0..
Tool: ghidra 10.2.2 with GolangAnalyzerExtension Exploit: making utf-8 shellcode (pwnable) feat. I've never written any code in go language, so all of these are from internet references and quite a lot of my predictions. So there might be something wrong with my analysis. /* WARNING: Unknown calling convention */ /* Name: main.handleConnection Start: 004cd140 End: 004cdb00 */ void main.handleCon..
files: encrypt.c, isThisFileUseful.txt, justBinaries.txt, up_down.py isThisFileUseful.txt: 1001010110001010100011001000101110011110100101001001101010000110 justBinaries.txt: 11110100000101010111111101110011111001001101000010001101101101001100101100000111111110100111000110000001100011011111111101000010001101101100010110100100101100111110000111011111111001001000101010010100100011100000010100010010..
1. crawl import requests s = requests.Session() counter = 1 while True: req = requests.Request('GET', 'http://ctf.incognito.kr:9000/ctf/mailbox') pre = s.prepare_request(req) resp = s.send(pre) csrf = resp.text[resp.text.find("{ \"X-CSRFToken\": '")+len("{ \"X-CSRFToken\": '"):] csrf = csrf[:csrf.find('\'')] req = requests.Request('POST', 'http://ctf.incognito.kr:9000/ctf/mailbox/mail_detail') p..
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 from base64 import b64encode import zlib from secret import flag, key file = {"flag.txt" : flag, "key" : key} def print_menu(): print("1. List file") print("2. Download file") print("3. Add file") print("4. Copy file") print("5. Remove File") print("6. Logout") def download_file(): filename = input("File name >> ").strip() if filename not in ..